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Say Kudos – Recognition at Ubisoft Singapore

It's not just about the cash bonuses and raises – we want a pat on the back for a job well done. Recognition from those who matter to us motivates and empowers us. As children, we develop an inclination towards praise and positive affirmation because this helps us figure out the right way to do things fast. This need stays with us as we mature into working adults and can have a big impact on our working lives.

Today, top employers know that loyalty is won by the right type of acknowledgement delivered to the right people. It’s not just a series of actions, it’s part of a culture that makes jobs purposeful. Ubisoft Singapore considers this a must-have to attract and retain the best teams, keep things fun, encourage personal development and inspire our developers to build breathtaking worlds. Here’s an inside peek to how we recognize our awesome teams.


Everyone has a different preference for the type of recognition they’d like to get and a different reaction to praise. But if there’s one thing that everybody likes, it’s making sure that specific recognition is given at the right moments. A word of acknowledgement is great after a big project wrap-up or during a celebration, but nothing beats letting your teammates know that they’ve done something awesome when it’s still fresh in their minds. And if you’ve missed that chance, our Production Services Manager Joseph Wee believes it’s always better late than never - everyday is a great day to thank someone for great work.

But if there’s one thing that everybody likes, it’s making sure that specific recognition is given at the right moments.

And while receiving general praise is great for that temporary endorphin boost, receiving positive affirmation for specific accomplishments may stick for years to come. “It’s an effective way to communicate to someone that you really respect them,” Joseph says. “And that you consider them a trusted and capable teammate.”

“It’s an effective way to communicate to someone that you really respect them,” Joseph says. “And that you consider them a trusted and capable teammate.”


It’s not just the big players who deserve recognition. Special attention must be paid to recognizing quieter colleagues who work just as hard. Our Talent Experience Director Matthew Thorpe believes that developers should present their own work during team meetings. They can take pride in their accomplishments and ownership of their great work.

We can also get so caught up in our own worlds that we become less aware of the accomplishments of those around us. Noticing what other people are doing well is crucial to delivering tangible and meaningful feedback. It’s great when managers recognize their teams or peers, but don’t forget that managers need recognition too! If you appreciate something that your boss does for you, take some time to let them know that what they’re doing a fantastic job leading the team.

It’s great when managers recognize their teams or peers, but don’t forget that managers need recognition too! If you appreciate something that your boss does for you, take some time to let them know that what they’re doing a fantastic job leading the team.


It’s perfectly normal to feel a little shy when praising someone face to face, but don’t let that stop you from acknowledging your team’s work promptly. There are tons of tools available on apps and social platforms to send virtual notes of appreciation in completely non-awkward ways. At our studio, we occasionally send virtual praise badges to our peers on our internal communication apps.

Little acts of service can go a long way. Our Associate Producer Jean Luc Tin Sive likes to surprise his team with tasty pastries or coffee after an intense day to thank them for their hard work. This boosts their motivation and lets them know that someone is looking out for them.

Do these colourful cards remind you of an old school card collection game? These are our ‘Kudos Cards’. All you need to do is fill one out when you want to recognize someone for a job well done and add it to their collection. Boom, it’s that easy. Whether it’s for a huge project or even just a small tweak in some code, you’ll never be short of reasons to thank someone.

There’s always room to improve the way we manage our teams. A great workplace culture is a cumulation of small and deliberate daily gestures of kindness. Go out there and make people feel like they’ve truly made an impact. Remember to be timely, specific, observant and creative. Kudos!

1 Comment

Oct 31, 2019

This is great article about studio friendliness! As artist, I am usually too busy with my head down in work, I will take time to give appreciation to my colleagues at the right moment!

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